
The tapes listed at the bottom of this page are of James Blue’s interviews with film directors, historians, critics, producers, and actors, and are part of the UO James Blue Archive. The approximate running time is over 160 hours. The interviews were conducted by James Blue in English, French and Italian, supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation.
James Blue interviews with filmmakers available online
Interviews with James Blue about his own work
James Blue and Jean Pelegri 1962 TV interview (starts at 2:45)
New Interviews from the James Blue Archive!
In honor of directors William Klein and Jean-Luc Godard, who both passed away in mid-September of 2022.
James Blue’s Audiotape Interviews
Gregory Shuker (1974, USA)
Albert and David Maysles (1964, USA)
Frances Flaherty (1964, USA)
Wolf Koenig (1964, Canada)
Tom C. Daly (1964, Canada)
Don Owen (1964, Canada)
Shirley Clarke (1964, USA)
Guy Cote (1964, Canada)
Gilles Groulx and B. Ulrich (1964, Canada)
Stan Jackson (1964, Canada)
George Stoney (1964, 1973, USA)
Richard Leacock (1964, USA)
Stanton Kaye (1964, USA)
Claude Jutra (1964, Canada)
Terence McCartney-Filgate (1965, 1968, Canada)
Jean Renoir (1965, USA)
Carroll Baker (1964-1965, USA)
Warren Beatty (1964-1965, USA)
John Boorman (1965, England)
Robert Bresson (1965, France)
Basil Wright (1965, UK)
Paul Rotha (1965, UK)
Thorold Dickinson (1965, UK)
Philip Donnelan (1965, UK)
Peter Watkins (interview conducted with Michael Gill) (1965, UK)
Johan van der Keuken (1965, The Netherlands)
Jean Rouch (1965, France)
Edgar Morin (1965, France)
Louis Marcorelles (1965, France)
Jean Mitry (1965, France)
Bartheiemy Amenguel (1965, Algeria)
Jean-Luc Godard and Richard Grenier (1965, France)
William Klein (1965, France)
Jacques Rozier (1965, France)
Macha Meril (1965, France)
Johanne Harrelle (1965, France)
Anne Wiazemsky (1965, France)
Roger Fjierstrom (1965, France)
Francois LaFarge (1965, France)
Gianfranco DeBosio (1965, Italy)
Ermanno Olmi (1965, Italy)
Tullio Kezitch (1965, Italy)
Ugo Gregoretti (1965, Italy)
Francesco Rosi (1965, Italy)
Federico Fellini (1965, Italy)
Pier Paolo Pasolini (1965, Italy)
Cesare Zavattini (1965, Italy)
Bernardo Bertolucci (1965, Italy)
Vittorio DeSeta (1965, Italy)
Vittorio DeSica (1965, Italy)
Renato Castellani (1965, Italy)
Milos Forman (1965, Italy)
Ivan Passer with Milos Forman (1969, USA)
Satyajit Ray (1967, India)
Gerald Krell (1967, USA)
George Stevens, Sr. (1969, USA)
Susumu Hani (1969, Japan)
King Vidor (1969, USA)
Jan Nemec (ca. 1969, USA)
Roberto Rossellini (1970, USA)
Barry Gerson (1973, USA)
Videotape Interviews (partial listing)
Roberto Rossellini (1970s, USA)
John Marshall (1973, USA)
Ralph Steiner (1973, USA)
George Stoney (1973, USA)
Willard Van Dyke (1973, USA)
Robert Gardner (1973, USA)
Leo Hurwitz (1973, USA)
David Hancock (1973, USA)
Frank Capra (1979, USA)
Source: Lynne Katherine Jackson, Tangled Up in James Blue: A Committed Filmmaker’s Journey Through Independent and Commercial Filmmaking, Propaganda, Documentary, Observational Cinema and Alternative Media, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Cinema Studies, New York University, New York, 1992, pp. 659-660.